
Lamentations: Living in the Ruins is unavailable, but you can change that!

The five chapters of Lamentations may be easily overlooked. Not only is it brief, but it is also sandwiched between the two giants of Old Testament prophecy, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Lamentations also deals with realities which we rather wish were not discussed—consequently the book is little studied. However, although there much here to challenge faith, there is much that builds it up. Lamentations...

The poet is not taken wholly up with the intense anguish which has plunged the people into despair. With keen theological insight he does not let go of the fact that in the situation before him there is another constant factor besides the grief of the people. There is the abiding reality of the wrath of God. The misery of the people is the consequence of the outworking of the wrath of God against their sin. Analysing the present and understanding what possibilities
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